Sorry to post again so soon, guys, but I’d just like to say one thing.
I think the most unfortunate thing about this page is that we only get to see the messed up Harry Potter fans.
Don’t get me wrong. I still hate Harry Potter. I always will, unless I am hit by a train and have a complete personality switch or something. But the thing is, some of my best friends, some of the nicest people I know are Harry Potter fans. They know I don’t like the books, and they don’t shove them down my throat or yell “your stupid” or spend hours explaining the merits of the kid who lived. I’ll bet everybody here knows at least one of those people. They’re the kind who stick to or whatever the website is/websites are and don’t come trolling hate pages. I guess what I’m trying to say is…
Harry-Haters will always hate. Harry-Lovers will always love. Can we please at least pretend we’re adults and return to our own respective pages?