Nah, I’ve read it… them… whatever you call those large hunks of tree flesh gifted to me by a misunderstanding family. Perhaps you might actually READ the page before commenting?…
Thank you for the information. Must not have been a particularly “ooh” moment… and according to my confused google search, POA is a type of grass from the bluegrass regions. Not sure what you’re talking about.

And anyway, it doesn’t really matter what his real name was, does it? For the last four or five books or however long he was present, he was mostly called “Remus Lupin.” If I insisted everyone call me Bjorn the Barbarian, would it matter what my real name was? …at least until they check me into a mental institution. 🙂

But anyway, I happened to stumble across a local Catholic magazine while sorting through some recycling the other day, in which Harry is compared to Jesus. Apparently “he understands that material possessions do not equal happiness and thus fights against the forces of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named.” I thought religious people hated Harry Potter?