Ahahaha…hoh, my god. I think what I find, at once, so hilarious and yet so, so sad is the people who’ve been coming back OVER THE LAST 6 YEARS to cry moar about how undeserving Harry and Rowling are of their fame. Harley? It’s easy to see why you’d be bitter over “All [Rowling’s] Money” while your own scribblings are likely being used as toilet paper as I type this, but little advice? However poor she was when she started out, and whatever she did to climb to the top, I’m thinking that endless whiny bitching about the suckitude of other novels’ lead characters probably wasn’t a big part of it. K, Cindy, C.U., everyone else? I’m so glad I have permission to call you stupid, because I can’t really think of any other way to describe your general arguments. HP is soooo banal and dumb and inconsequential, so much so you just HAVE to rant about Harry and Ron for years on end, in minute detail that blatantly shows you not only read the books carefully, but got so into it that you went looking for fanfic? Yeah, way to convince anyone that this series isn’t worth spending any time on.

And this is the only place you lot can find like-minded opinions on the series? Well actually, no this is good, best to keep the wank and idiocy contained to one spot and all.

Clearly, you’ve already been proven wrong yet again on this, but: yes, what DOES it say about the impact and content of a book they had to split into TWO movies to tell the full story? 

With the amount of simple concepts that apparently “make no sense” to a lot of you make me wonder that you’re able to type at all….but let’s start with Quidditch as a school sport. Yes, superior brooms help. But it’s mentioned often that before Harry, Charlie Weasley was the star Seeker who’d win the Cup for Gryffindor. So what, you think the famously poor Weasleys spent their life savings on a state-of-the-art broom for ONE of their sons? or did the other three teams throw away any brooms that were better than one a Weasley could afford? Because most people with any reading comprehension would just assume that brooms AREN’T a determining factor in winning Quidditch games. Which the 2nd book proved too, since Harry caught the Snitch even though Draco was on a better broom.

It’s also funny that teachers being able to favor the students they like with more points is okay with you, but points won in an evenly-played game between the students counting toward the House Cup is what you think skews the competition. Really?

I can’t even with the moron who whined about Harry being lucky he didn’t impregnate Ginny, I’m so sick of all the slut-Ginny bullshit. Find me a passage where Ginny so much as took her top off with Harry before saying idiotic shit like that, so I can at least assume you know how to count to ten. That, coupled with the typical “WAAaahh, Harry/Rowling is teh suXX0rz for hating Slytherin it’s sooo not cool that Slytherins are all ev0l!!11” butthurt pretty much slams the door on my taking any of you seriously. Um, if Harry judges people on the basis of their being a) bigoted/racist fuckwits, b) gloating over the deaths of his loved ones, c) abusing him for the epic crime of existing, d) plotting to kill people, e) all of the above — well, more power to him. I’ve seen more whininess, stupidity, judgmental arrogance and general asshattery in the last 16 posts here than I saw from Harry in all seven books combined, which just confirms to me that Rowling had a mark and aced it when it comes to his characterization, only he’s actually pulled off being engaging and admirable at the same time. (Might want to take notes, Harley, especially if you’re going to use that female OC you mentioned earlier. The description alone set off my gag reflex.)