Harry Potter is officially over, thanks to both lovers and antis for carrying on with the fever. Way to secure Harry’s place in eternity. Anyways. I am tired of the trope “Harry had a abusive childhood he should be a antihero figure DarkLordPotter” .please people, Dursleys were indeed not the perfect parents, but the were never abusive enough to leave scars forever. They never starved him(ss/ps), got him his first glasses, sent him to school, and there is no canonical evidence to support Vernon or petunia ever beat him. Only Marge would cross the line at times and the durseleys encouraged harry to stay out of her way. In phoenix it was established that Petunia cared for him under every thing. The most imp years while growing up are the teenage years ,which ,Harry spent mostly at hogwarts. And really, Rowling showed that harry had enough moral strength and fibre by not falling into ‘bad childhood anti hero’ cliché . There are a lot of fanfic authors who think they are better than jkr and you can see the result of following this path in das mervin’s sporks of Rose Potter and Holly Potter. And yes, sometimes Harry is a jerk to a lot of people. Were’nt you when you were a teen? Or you are still one and do not know better? You guys are actually trashing a kid for acting like a kid? Really? Quidditch now.
The only time gryffindor won the cup because of Harry was in Azkaban. And every player was important. Gia covered this well actually. And skill. HARRY was good only in quidditch , nothing else . Humans are usually often skilled at a particular something, lucky ones are at more than one. Once again YOU would’nt understand if you aren’t .
The most spotlighted person is indeed Harry, because the books are about him but there are enough info on hufflepufs, ravenclaws, and slytherins if you read without a biasglass
. Primarily the books are escapist literature, thus a wizarding world is indeed glorified.
Muggels are not focused on . One can argue that Dudley redeemed himself, and hermiones parents were ‘good’ characters, but yes there is a condescending attitude towards the muggles, however ,a reading of tales of beedle the bard does justify the bias.
Well. I’ll come back later if there are follow ups . Adieu till then.