I see your point, though with indignation. Sweeping all of Christendom into ‘narrow-minded bigots’ just seems unfair to be honest. I’ll warrent that it was probably a magot minority of Christians who own B&B’s who piped up at all, and they are not the voice of Christendom. I am not really understanding the intolerance toward Christianity these days, seems to be unbelievably offensive to say you believe the words of Jesus, offensive, I dare say, to those who’ve never thought it worth the investigation. If I am to jump on your generalising, intolerant (of opinions you disagree with because they are ‘intolerent’) and frankly moronic wagon I would have to say that ‘Muslims are reigning terror on our streets’. How does that sound without any caveat to say ‘minority’ or ‘extremist’? While not defending anything violent, I think you would do well to remember the sentiments of Voltaire, that vehement oponent of the Catholic church, who stated that while he may not agree with what you have to say, he will defend your right to say it tooth and nail!