Bye Bye Twitter

If you’re a Twitter user (or, quite likely, even if you’re not) you’re probably well aware of the events surrounding its takeover by Elon Musk. As a result of his actions Twitter has become a cesspool of hatred – even more so than it already was. I cannot support a site owned by such an appalling excuse for a human being, so I’ve stopped using it. My account there still exists and I hope one day I may be able to return to using it.

Fortunately for us all, a good alternative exists in Mastodon. I’ve had a number of accounts over the years and recently created a new general purpose one. You’ll find a link to it in the sidebar here. I post occasional personal updates alongside boosting art, politics and anything else I find interesting and worth sharing. If you haven’t tried Mastodon yet, I urge you to give it a go. It’s a little different to Twitter but once you’ve found some interesting people and hashtags to follow (yes, you can follow hashtags, which is great!) you’ll be well on your way to enjoying a whole new and much more pleasant social media experience.