One thing that stays in the back of my mind when reading the books, that I’ve never been ables to explain propery, is the “deep meaning” and symbolism. I have nothing against symbolism and meaning, that’s what I read for, but Jk seems to miss the mark.

It’s like she wants her books to be in someway meaningful, so she hits us over the head with it. All those meaningful names and silly puns just look like a way to say “aren’t I clever?” and she spends far too long on them, I don’t care what minor no 3’s name means, I’ll never see him again anyway.

As for the deepness, it feels more like she just made the books grimdark, not more mature or interesting. It’s not as deep as people think, when you get down to it. She never explores the implications of her own world, like;

1) Why do Death Eaters follow their boss, surely they have their own motives other than “I’m evil!”

2) How would wizards react to losing magic and having to cope as muggles?

3) How would muggles react to knowlege that they could have their mind messed with at any moment by wizards, and that the govenment is OK with it?

4) And, as said before on this post, what about the wizards putting all their hopes in the hands of children, why would thay even risk it?

5) Why would they allow slytherins to exist, or Hogwars even, when Slythering house seems to be the root of all evil? Surely meging the houses would fix the problem? Personally I would have loved that.