I have a wonderful understanding of the HP series, and this site is for people who want to have an opinion. I don’t care anymore, I just want you lot to stop putting me down because I don’t like your precious little book OK? Ya know love, calling me stupid because I tried to make a reasonable case for the way I feel about all this was unnecessary. I have debated a lot on these subjects an I’m willing to bet I’m far more well read than you, hence how I can analyse this book and find it wanting, just like so many others. The problem os YOU. YOU are an obnoxious fan and you and people like you quite frankly p*** me off.

It is called an opinion, I don’t hate HP or JK Rowling, I hate the fans that call me stupid and act like babies when I express an opinion after years of reading, writing and studying literature.

I don’t care how many people love this book, the same amount loved star trek and star-wars. Most people can se the flaws but once you couldn’t say a bad word without being vulcan nerve pinched. It’s a fad, deal with it.