Today is the 1st of December. This means that it’s now OK with me for shops to put up their Christmas displays and decorations, play cheesy Christmas music and generally be Christmassy. I may be being a bit of a grump, but I really, really, really hate the general promotion of Christmas before December. It just feels wrong, and it means that by the time we get to the 24th I’m sick and tired of hearing about it.
I’m not trying to put the seasonal festivities down. I like them. I’m looking forward not just to the holiday but also to the whole jolly, overeating, overdrinking, completely overindulging celebration that is a modern Christmas. I also appreciate the whole peace and goodwill to all thing, although it seems a trifle odd to confine such a simple and worthwhile sentiment to just a few days out of the year.
Anyway, here we are. Stuff to buy, stuff to prepare, and a good time to anticipate. I’m not complaining. Much.