Yes, I’m going to bore you by talking about my Christmas, but I’ll keep it brief and spare you most of the details. Essentially, I had a very good time, marred only by the continued presence of the cold/flu thing I’ve had for the past couple of weeks. Yes, I’m feeling considerably better now, thanks for asking.
Anyway, I was away at Jenny’s parents’ place near Cambridge, where we were both liberally showered with presents, all of which are lovely and many of which will prove very useful. I even got a book on photography, so if I can find some time to read and digest it my crappy pictures might actually improve a bit.
It was really good to get home yesterday afternoon, though. Being away is great but there’s nothing quite like home, if you know what I mean. An evening spent lounging around in front of the TV and eating pizza was very much appreciated.
Anyway, thanks to everyone for the gifts, cards and messages. Now, onwards towards the New Year!