Yesterday I met up with my friend Paul at St. Pancras station for a day out. We decided to go to Barnet, where we both grew up, and take a look around. It had been years since I’d taken the tube to High Barnet, although not a lot had changed, or been back to my old haunts at all. We wandered up the High Street and stopped for lunch in the Black Horse pub before heading down Bells Hill, past our old homes, to our infant and junior school at Whitings Hill. Many of the old buildings are still there, including the swimming pool where I learnt to swim, and which had its cover put on while I was a pupil there. They’re in the process of knocking the place down and putting up swanky new buildings, which are clearly desperately needed and look very nice. The playing field is pretty much gone, replaced by a sea of mud and construction vehicles.
Having got all nostalgic, we wandered back towards the tube station, pausing for a quick look around Barnet Museum, which brought back a whole raft of old memories. Taking the tube back to London Bridge station, we had a very pleasant walk along the South Bank in the sunshine, crossed the Millennium Bridge and ambled around the City until we found ourselves at Old Street station, from where we caught the tube back to Kings Cross, where we parted company.
I got home very tired and with soreish feet but feeling pretty good. Plenty of exercise, great weather and good company saw to that.