Ask Nick – VAT

Angela Howard asks:

Id VAT charged on second hand goods? EG things you buy from Ebay etc

I’ve looked into this and the answer seems to be that if you’re a private individual you don’t need to worry about VAT. However, if you’re a business and are thus VAT registered and are trading in items that are normally VAT-able, you will have to pay the tax on any profit you make. If you don’t make any money you won’t have to pay tax.

If you’re intending to trade heavily on eBay or elsewhere, I’d strongly recommend speaking to a qualified accountant.

Camden Coffee House

For a little while now I’ve been trying to find a good place to go at lunchtime to have a coffee and read. Today’s candidate is the Camden Coffee House. The website looked promising but I have to say that I’m somewhat disappointed. It’s so small that there’s nowhere to sit at a table and I’m forced to type this while sitting on a very uncomfortable bar stool.

I have a full-length coat, so somewhere to hang it would have been appreciated. The staff seemed friendly enough but they told me to take a seat and they’d bring my drink over to me, which they then failed to do.

The drink itself was fine, but it’s quite hard to ruin a hot chocolate. Maybe I should come back and try a tea or coffee. So far, though, I don’t think this is the place for me.

Update 14/12/10: I went back today and was much better pleased. The new coat rack was in place and very useful, my coffee was brought to my table and I was generally much more comfortable and happy.

Ask Nick – Supermarket Hierarchy

A really good question from Ian:

We all know that there is a supermarket hierarchy, as Alan Coren said “The best thing about Sainsburys is that it keeps the riff-raff out of Waitrose.” So my question is, what is the proper place of each supermarket in that hierarchy? (I’m assuming a supermarket must have at least half a dozen branches, so Fortnum & Mason doesn’t count!)

I reckon that the hierarchy runs something like this, in descending order of ‘poshness’:

  1. Waitrose
  2. Sainsbury’s
  3. Tesco
  4. Asda
  5. Co-op
  6. Morrison’s
  7. Budgen
  8. Iceland
  9. Lidl
  10. Aldi

I’m excluding Marks and Spencer’s Food Halls from the list as M&S isn’t really a supermarket as such. If it were to be placed, though, it’d probably have to go at the top.

I know I’ve left quite a few supermarkets out of this list, but I think I’ve got all the major ones.

Ask Nick – Illness

Vally asks:

You seem to be getting ill a lot. Are you eating properly?

Thanks for your concern, Vally. I’m eating as well as I can, taking multivitamin tablets daily and drinking fruit juice. I’m also trying to cut down my sugar intake and get a little more exercise. Hopefully this regime will help me to fight off future illnesses better.

Ask Nick – Secret Santa

A seasonal question from jez b:

I have to spend up to £5.00 for a company ‘secret santa’ thingy.

The subject is male, approx 40 yrs and is head of sales for a media company.

Any ideas / recommendations?

If I were you I’d have a look at or, both of which have plenty of items for under a fiver. If you can’t find something suitable there I’ll be quite surprised.

Ask Nick – Rebel Base

An interesting one, this. Darth Vader asks:

Where is the rebel base?

Yavin IV. See? All that nonsense about tracking people down and torturing them was completely unnecessary. All you had to do was ask me.

If you have a question, on any subject whatsoever, why not Ask Nick? Answers will range from completely serious to utterly frivolous, depending on the nature of the question.

Ask Nick – Skype

A question from Mike Henden:

i am an old git, so be gentle, can you tell me what ‘skype’ is and is it better than msn? how do i get it? down load it. i am on windows vista…………yeh i know hahaha . thanks nick

Skype is a piece of software that, as well as providing text-based chat, also allows users to talk to each other and, if they have webcams, see each other too. If both users have Skype installed, then the service is free. You can also use Skype to call ordinary telephones for a small charge and you can also have a phone number associated with Skype, that other people can call just as if it was a regular landline, but with the added bonus that you can take the number with you anywhere. I use Skype to provide me with a number in this way. Most mobile devices these days can run Skype, too.

In my opinion, Skype is way better than MSN. Try it for yourself and I think you’ll agree.

You can download Skype by visiting this page. Just follow the instructions to set up a free account.

Ask Nick – Thermals

And now a question from my mother:

It’s cold out. Are you wearing your thermal vest and balaclava? If not, why not?

Not much research needed for this one. I’m not wearing a thermal vest per se, but I am wearing plenty of layers and wrapping up nice and warm. I don’t own a balaclava but I’m seriously tempted to get one, if only to frighten little old ladies (such as yourself) with.

Ask Nick – Personal Identity

The honour of the first question goes to Marcus parkus, who asks the following:

‘All personal identity is tenuous shaky ephemeral. We are the universe pretending to be a person’ deepak chopra.


Well, Marcus, my own view is that the universe is in no way sentient and that, until good solid scientific evidence to the contrary becomes available, we really are the individuals we appear to be. Hard-headed and unromantic, I’m afraid, but there it is. But thank you for your question.

Ask Nick

I’ve decided to launch a new feature that I’m calling ‘Ask Nick’. Essentially, if you have a question about anything at all, ask me, I’ll do the research and then provide my answer. It’s much better than Googling your question or posting it somewhere like Ask Metafilter, because instead of getting a confusing array of conflicting answers you’ll just get a nice, simple, clear answer from me.

Please be aware that I don’t pretend to be an expert on anything and I can’t guarantee to answer your particular question. This is just a piece of fun. I am not your lawyer, doctor, or whatever.

That being said, if you do have a question, whether serious or completely frivolous, do fill in the form below and let me attempt to help you.

Update: Form removed due to spam. Sorry.

Birthday Platypodes

Birthday Platypodes

This morning a parcel arrived from my friend Tam, who lives across the pond. We have a standing joke about me being a duck-billed platypus (don’t ask), so I wasn’t too surprised to find that the box contained a number of platypus-related items – a plush platypus, a Perry the Platypus Xmas ornament, a CD containing music from Perry the Platypus and a card.

Apart from being deeply grateful for the gifts, it really helped to lift my mood to receive them. Thanks, Tam.

Off Sick

For the past few days I’ve been off work with some kind of ‘fluey thing – sore throat, cough, headache but not snotty, thank goodness. It’s a real pain, especially as I’ve had a fair amount of time off sick recently. I’m sure they’re starting to get a bit pissed off with me back at the office. On the other hand, it would be foolish of me to haul myself in when I’m feeling this lousy. I did that on Mondayband it only made me feel worse.

On the plus side, I’ve had the opportunity, in amongst bouts of coughing my lungs up, to catch up on my reading and to watch some good films. Not to mention the joy that is BBC Radio 4, which has kept me amused, entertained and informed throughout this period of illness.

With a bit of luck I’ll manage to recover sufficiently over the weekend to get back to work on Monday. No doubt there’ll be a huge backlog of email to wade through.

Web Development on the iPad

I’ve been enjoying my iPad very much over the last few weeks. Apart from the numerous games and productivity apps I’ve downloaded, I’ve also tried most of the major web development tools. Some of them are very good, but there’s still room for a real killer app. Personally, I’d like to see a version of Eclipse for the iPad, ideally with Subversion support, the latter being sorely lacking. I need PHP, JavaScript, HTML and CSS syntax highlighting and code completion as a bare minimum.

If anybody’s aware of an app that fulfils all my needs I’d love to know about it.

A Week Off

I’m currently just over half way through a week off work. I decided that it would be a good idea to take a break because I’m quite tired, I needed to use up some of my holiday allocation and it was my birthday yesterday.

So, what have I been doing? For the most part, not a lot. I’ve watched quite a bit of TV, done a fair bit of reading and played some Scrabble. So far it’s been exactly what I needed. Relaxing and simple.

My mother very kindly sent me some money for my birthday, so I spent some of it on something I’ve wanted for quite some time – a crossbow. Only a small one, but I reckon I shall still have some fun with it.

Hopefully, when I return to work on Monday I shall be able to throw myself back into the fray with gusto. That’s the plan, anyway.

Whatever Happened to Her?

Some years ago I was at Paddington station, waiting for my mother, who was visiting for the weekend. Hanging around by the ticket barriers I became aware of a young girl nearby who was having a conversation on her mobile phone with her boyfriend amidst great sobbing. Being a naturally curious person and having nothing else to do, I listened.

It soon became clear that she had planned to spend the weekend with her boyfriend but had arrived late and missed her train. She’d asked if she could use her ticket to travel later and had been told that this wasn’t possible and she didn’t have the money to buy another ticket. Her distress was so overwhelming, her devastation at this turn of events so utter, that my heart went out to her.

I found myself wishing that I could help. If I’d had the money I’d have happily bought her a ticket, but unfortunately I had nothing. I was therefore forced to watch her trudge miserably home, her weekend utterly ruined.

I’ve thought of her many times since then, and wondered whether she found a way to get to wherever it was that her boyfriend lived. I find myself hoping that things worked out for her. Sometime I’d like another chance to help someone in similar circumstances.

Google Latitude History

I’ve been using Google Latitude for some time now, and have built up quite a bit of history. I’ve been having a play with the Location History Dashboard, which is quite scary. It’s correctly guessed which location is home and which is work and can tell me how much time I spend in both places, but it also shows me which of my friends I’ve visited and when, and can also show me a little animation on a map, showing my movements over any period of time.

I like it but it’s somewhat freaky. Of course, the real crux of the thing is to figure out something useful to do with this information. I keep thinking that there must be something but what exactly that is eludes me. Any suggestions?

Weekend Report

Note: I know this is a little dull but it’s more for the benefit of my family and close friends. If you don’t find it interesting knowing the minutiae of my life, stop reading now.

I had a very quiet weekend. The plan had been to go on a couple of longish guided walks in London but I woke up on Saturday morning still very tired and with a rather upset stomach, which didn’t get any better as the day went on.  I therefore cried off and the furthest I walked all day was to Sainsbury’s for some much-needed essentials. The rest of the day was spent watching DVDs and lazing about.

Sunday was fairly similar. I watched the Formula 1 online as my TV reception was playing up, re-dyed my hair, did some washing and generally pottered. I also managed to do a little work on the Thamesreach website along with Christine, a very handy member of the local SCA group. She’s currently working on a photo montage for the home page, which will be brilliant.

This morning I was rather annoyed to find that the RSI in my right arm, which has been bothering me for a while now, was considerably worse. I think I may have to go and see the doctor which, being a typically stupid male, I’m quite reluctant to do.

Juno Download Extension Updated

Tonight I updated the Juno Download Search extension for Google Chrome. As well as clicking on the icon you can now access the search via the context menu. If you’ve already installed it, it should update automatically in the next few hours. If you haven’t or you can’t wait, you can get it here.


Earlier this week, while taking my usual lunchtime stroll around Camden Town, I was stopped by a guy who asked if I’d be interested in being an extra in a big Hollywood film. When I said yes, he took some details and a couple of photos and said his casting agency would be in touch if they decided I was right.

Yesterday I received an email saying that they like the way I look (they’re after guys with long hair) and could I come in to the agency for more photos and a chat. So, I’ve booked the afternoon off work next Friday and arranged to pop by. I have to say that I’m quite excited at the prospect of being in a proper film, even just in the background or whatever, and also by seeing something of the process of making a big-budget movie. It’ll be an experience.

I shall keep you posted on my progress and, if I get to be in the film, I’ll try to write some stuff here about what happens.